how do you get money

How Do You Get Money: The Ultimate Guide to Earning and Making Money

How Do You Get Money: The Ultimate Guide to Earning and Making Money

how do you get money

This guide provides an overview of traditional and non-traditional income sources to help you determine the best money-making strategies based on your skills, interests and financial goals.

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Traditional Employment
  2. 2. Freelancing and Consulting
  3. 3. Investing for Long-Term Wealth
  4. 4. Starting an Online Business
  5. 5. Supplemental Side Hustles and Gigs
  6. 6. Growing Your Savings
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Traditional Employment

For stable, steady income, traditional employment through a full-time job remains one of the most common sources of earnings. Regular paychecks provide reliable income to cover expenses. Employers also typically offer benefits like health insurance, paid time off and retirement plans.

Drawbacks of Traditional Jobs

Fixed schedules may limit flexibility. There's also the risk of layoffs, downsizing or a job becoming obsolete over time.

2. Freelancing and Consulting

Freelancing is a great way to earn money with flexibility and independence. As a freelancer, you can choose your own clients and set your own schedule. This section covers how to get started and succeed as a freelancer.

Choosing a Freelance Niche

Some popular and lucrative fields include web development, writing, virtual assistance, accounting/bookkeeping, graphic design, marketing and IT services. Consider your skills, experience and interests to select an in-demand niche.

Freelancing provides independence but requires self-motivation, business skills and steady client acquisition.

3. Investing for Long-Term Wealth

Investing allows you to grow your money over time through vehicles like stocks, bonds, real estate, peer-to-peer lending and more. The goal is achieving returns that outpace inflation for financial security in retirement and beyond.

Getting Started in Investing

Open a brokerage account and research low-cost index funds for broad market exposure. Consider your timeline, risk tolerance and financial goals to determine an appropriate asset allocation. Automate contributions to build discipline.

Popular Investment Options

Stocks offer ownership in companies and long-term growth potential but more volatility in the short-run.

Bonds provide regular interest payments with less risk than stocks but also lower returns on average.

Real estate investing allows owning physical property for rental income and appreciation. Peer-to-peer lending connects those with capital to borrowers.

Diversifying across asset classes helps reduce risk while benefiting from the growth of the overall economy.

4. Starting an Online Business

The internet has opened up many new opportunities to earn money online through websites, apps, courses, blogs and more. This section explores some of the most popular and lucrative online business models.

Selling Products Online

With e-commerce platforms like Shopify, anyone can start an online storefront to sell physical or digital goods. Market products through social media, email lists, ads and affiliate marketing.

Creating Online Courses

Leverage your expertise by developing video courses or e-books on topics like design, languages, fitness and more. Host on platforms like Udemy or sell directly through your website.

Building a Blog or Website

Monetize your site through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts or creating a digital product. Grow an audience by publishing high-quality, shareable content on a regular schedule.

The online space allows starting a business with minimal upfront costs. With effort, the right model can generate passive income over the long run.

5. Supplemental Side Hustles and Gigs

In addition to a full-time job or business, supplemental side gigs provide flexibility to boost your income. This section explores some popular part-time money-making options.

Rideshare or Food Delivery Driving

Earn money driving for Uber, Lyft, DoorDash or other services in your spare time around your schedule.

Freelance Writing and Photography

Leverage writing and photography skills on a contract basis for publications, businesses and individuals.

Online Surveys and Market Research

Earn a few dollars here and there by participating in surveys, focus groups and product testing.

Side gigs provide flexibility to boost income without a major long-term time commitment.

6. Growing Your Savings

While active money-making is important, so is growing what you've already earned through savings, low-risk investments and reducing expenses. This section outlines strategies for maximizing your wealth over the long run.

Build an Emergency Fund

Aim to save 3-6 months' worth of living expenses in a savings account as a financial safety net.

Pay Down High-Interest Debt

Prioritize eliminating credit card balances to avoid wasting money on interest charges.

Take Advantage of Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Contribute enough to earn any employer match and benefit from tax-deferred growth.


With the right combination of strategies, anyone can build financial security and freedom over the long run. Consider your situation and goals to determine the income sources that make the most sense for your unique needs and abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I earn extra money in my spare time?

Consider side hustles like rideshare driving, freelance writing or online tutoring that allow flexibility around your schedule.

What are some ways to invest on a budget?

Research low-cost index funds and ETFs that provide broad market exposure for just a few dollars per trade through a brokerage account.
