how to make a post shareable on facebook -5 steps

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook

Are you struggling to make your Facebook posts shareable to reach a wider audience and increase engagement? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process and provide expert tips on making your posts shareable. By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to optimize your content and boost your social media presence on Facebook.

How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook Are you struggling to make your Facebook posts shareable to reach a wider audience and increase engagement? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Steps to Make a Post Shareable
  3. Expert Tips for Shareable Posts
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Conclusion


Facebook is a powerful platform to connect with your target audience, but without making your content shareable, you might miss out on valuable opportunities. When your Facebook post is shareable, it means that users can easily distribute your content among their friends, expanding your reach and increasing the chances of engagement. Now, let's dive into the steps to make your posts shareable on Facebook.

Steps to Make a Post Shareable

Step 1: Check Privacy Settings

Before making your post shareable, ensure that you have configured your privacy settings accordingly. Go to your Facebook settings and review who can see your future posts. It is crucial to set the visibility to "Public" to enable sharing.

Step 2: Craft Engaging and Valuable Content

To make your posts shareable, you need to create content that resonates with your target audience. Focus on delivering value, whether it's entertaining, informative, or inspiring. Engaging posts are more likely to be shared, so be sure to put effort into crafting high-quality, attention-grabbing content.

Step 3: Include Visually Appealing Images or Videos

Visual content is highly shareable on Facebook, as it captures users' attention and encourages them to share it further. Include high-quality images or videos that align with your post's message to make it more appealing and share-worthy.

Step 4: Add a Strong Call-to-Action

Guide your audience's behavior by including a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA). Encourage them to share your post, ask for their opinions, or invite them to tag someone who might find it interesting. A well-crafted CTA can significantly increase the shareability of your content.

Step 5: Utilize Hashtags

Hashtags allow users to discover your content and engage with it. Research relevant hashtags related to your post and include them strategically. Be cautious not to overload your post with hashtags, as this can appear spammy and deter users from sharing.

Expert Tips for Shareable Posts

Differentiate yourself from the crowd by applying these expert tips to further enhance the shareability of your Facebook posts:

  1. Utilize emotional appeal: Evoke emotions such as happiness, awe, or surprise to trigger users' desire to share your content.
  2. Optimize the length: Keep your posts concise and to-the-point. Studies have shown that shorter posts have higher engagement rates.
  3. Add value with exclusive content: Offer your audience something unique, whether it's an exclusive discount, insider information, or a behind-the-scenes look.
  4. Engage with your audience: Reply to comments, ask questions, and create a sense of community around your posts. This increases the likelihood of shares.
  5. Experiment with different formats: Try creating polls, quizzes, or interactive content to boost shareability and engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about making Facebook posts shareable:

Q: Can I make only specific posts shareable?
A: Yes, while configuring your privacy settings, you can choose the visibility of each individual post and enable sharing accordingly.
Q: Why can't I see the "Share" button on my posts?
A: Ensure that your privacy settings allow for public visibility, as well as check if the post is not restricted to a specific audience.
Q: How do I know if my post is being shared?
A: You can track the number of shares by clicking on the share count displayed below your post. Additionally, monitoring comments and engagement can also indicate the extent of sharing.


By following the steps outlined above and implementing expert tips, you can significantly increase the shareability of your Facebook posts. Remember to check your privacy settings, create engaging content, utilize visuals, include strong CTAs, and leverage hashtags strategically. Engage with your audience and continue experimenting with different formats to find what works best for your target audience. With persistence and optimization, you'll witness your posts being shared widely, expanding your reach and amplifying your social media presence on Facebook.

Now, go ahead and make your posts shareable to unlock the full potential of Facebook's social sharing capabilities!
